Monday 28 March 2016

Rebabbitting of White Metal Bearing

Manufacturing of Motor Bearing
Rebabbitting of white metal bearing is required when the bearing develops taper, ovality and white metal is worn out. Rebabbitting of white metal bearing up to 1500 mm bore size is undertaken by RA Power Solutions. All the parameters like presence of cracks, hard spots in steel lining are checked prior to doing rebabbitting.

The selection of grate of white metal is done based on the load characteristics of the bearing, RPM and application. The rebabbitting of white metal is done by centrifugal process. This ensures strong bonding between the base metal and the white metal. All the bearing are subject to dimensional inspection and bonding by ultrasound process.

Thrust Bearing Pad
Rebabbitting of following bearings is undertaken:

a.  Turbine Bearing
b.  Alternator Bearing

White Metal Bearing
c.  Engine Bearing
d.  Pedestal Bearing
e.  Big End Bearing
f.  Thrust Pad Bearing
g.  Crankshaft Bearing
h.  Bush Bearing
i.   Flanged Bearing
j.  Steam Turbine Bearing
k.  White Metal Rotor      Bearing
l.   White Metal Bearing
m. Big End Bearing
n.  Impeller Bearing
o.  Turbine White Metal Bearing
p.  Alternator White Metal Bearing

q.  Pump White Metal Bearing
r.  Crankshaft White Metal Bearing
s.  Spherical Bearings