Wednesday 10 August 2016

Metal Stitching and Metal Locking Process

It is highly recommended to undertake repair of crack castings of engine block, cylinder heads, turbine casing and cast iron parts by metal stitching and metal locking process.

Insertion of Casting Piece into Engine Block Area
Insertion of Casting Piece into Engine Block Area
Metal Locking Under Process
Metal Locking Under Process

Metal Locking of Casting
Metal Locking of Casting
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block

Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block Under Process
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block
Metal Stitching-Locking of Jenbacher Engine Block Under Process
Metal Stitching-Locking Process

It is a cold process, no stresses or heat is generated. RA Power Solutions is undertaking crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking process for last more than 3 decades and have executed more than 500 projects successfully all over the world.

We have highly skilled engineers who can easily perform metal locking and metal stitching process on following make of engines: MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Nohab, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Crepelle, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, Ruston, Paxman, Mirrlees, Alco, Fiat, ABC, Crepelle, SKL , etc