Thursday 16 November 2017

Crankshaft Grinding Machine by RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is associated with crankshaft repair services for last more than 37 years and have been providing following services:
I) Crankshaft inspection including crack detection by MPI, dimensional inspection, hardness, alignment, etc.
II) Straitening of Crankshaft.
III) Crankshaft grinding and polishing.
IV) Correction of crankshaft radius fillet and lube oil hole.

V) Replacement of counter weights in case of incident, balancing of crankshaft and all Crankshaft repair
In past the repair services for crankshaft was provided in a designated workshop. With the change of time onsite crankshaft grinding machine have been introduced which has reduced the down time and cost of crankshaft repair as there is no need of removing the crankshaft from engine block and send it to the crankshaft repair workshop. The use of workshop for repair of crankshaft is an outdated practice.
The crankshaft grinder manufactured by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has a revolutionary design and takes the reference of outer diameter of the crankpin and main journal. This is of great advantage in case the radius fillet of crankpin or main journal is damaged.

The crankshaft grinder is capable to maintain the close tolerances as per the manufacturer’s specifications. In certain cases if required it can maintain the diameter within 10 to 20 microns with a surface finish as per the international norms.
The cost of Crankshaft repair machine is low, easy to operate and free training of one week is provided.
For more information, please visit or email us on


Tuesday 14 November 2017

Cylinder Liners

We maintain large stock of refurbished cylinder liners of popular high capacity  make and models of engine. The cylinder liners are calibrated in our workshop and we guarantee for the satisfactory performance and the long life of the cylinder liners. We refurbish and supply the cylinder liners which have minimum wear and tear and have high residual life. The cost of refurbished cylinder liners is almost one third of the new cylinder liner supplied by OEM. Thus it results to the considerable savings.

New cylinder liners are available in stock. We also develop and manufacture new cylinder liners as per the drawing and samples provided by the client. The cylinder liners manufactured by us are cast by latest centrifugal casting equipment which ensures uniform grain structure. The final machining and honing of cylinder liners is done in-house. The cylinder liner bore and all critical dimensions are maintained strictly as per the tolerances mentioned in the drawing.

We are regularly exporting  cylinder liners to various companies all over the world including UK, Finland, USA, Nigeria, Singapore, Malaysia, Sudan, Canada, Mexico and several countries in Asia.
For more information, please email us on


Sunday 29 October 2017

Connecting Rod Reconditioning

Connecting rods of old, outdated and running models of engines are available. We undertake in-house complete repair of connecting rods check big end, small end, straightness and subject connecting rod for crack detection by MPI process. The original bore size of big end and small end of connecting Rod is maintained. The refurbish connecting rods are priced low and are available for following engines:

MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, Fiat,MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, SKL, Ruston, Paxman, Crepelle, Mirrlees, Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab etc.

We depute our technician on board a vessel with necessary instruments to inspect connecting rods.

Monday 28 November 2016

Crankshaft Grinder

Insitu Crankshaft Grinder
Insitu Crankshaft Grinder
The table type crankshaft grinders are outdated as they need huge investments and large area for installation.

Onsite crankshaft grinders are manufactured by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. having range from 60 mm to 700 mm and it caters to the engines having the capacity of 30 MW. The crankshaft grinder are portable light weight and easy to operate. The crankshaft grinder can be taken to the site.

Grinding and polishing can be done without removing the crankshaft from the engine block. The crankshaft grinder are low priced and highly recommended for shipping companies and repair workshops. More than 60 crankshaft grinders have been sold.

Pneumatic Motor Mounted on Machine


Wednesday 10 August 2016

Metal Stitching and Metal Locking Process

It is highly recommended to undertake repair of crack castings of engine block, cylinder heads, turbine casing and cast iron parts by metal stitching and metal locking process.

Insertion of Casting Piece into Engine Block Area
Insertion of Casting Piece into Engine Block Area
Metal Locking Under Process
Metal Locking Under Process

Metal Locking of Casting
Metal Locking of Casting
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block

Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block Under Process
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block
Metal Stitching-Locking of Jenbacher Engine Block Under Process
Metal Stitching-Locking Process

It is a cold process, no stresses or heat is generated. RA Power Solutions is undertaking crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking process for last more than 3 decades and have executed more than 500 projects successfully all over the world.

We have highly skilled engineers who can easily perform metal locking and metal stitching process on following make of engines: MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Nohab, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Crepelle, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, Ruston, Paxman, Mirrlees, Alco, Fiat, ABC, Crepelle, SKL , etc

Monday 28 March 2016

Rebabbitting of White Metal Bearing

Manufacturing of Motor Bearing
Rebabbitting of white metal bearing is required when the bearing develops taper, ovality and white metal is worn out. Rebabbitting of white metal bearing up to 1500 mm bore size is undertaken by RA Power Solutions. All the parameters like presence of cracks, hard spots in steel lining are checked prior to doing rebabbitting.

The selection of grate of white metal is done based on the load characteristics of the bearing, RPM and application. The rebabbitting of white metal is done by centrifugal process. This ensures strong bonding between the base metal and the white metal. All the bearing are subject to dimensional inspection and bonding by ultrasound process.

Thrust Bearing Pad
Rebabbitting of following bearings is undertaken:

a.  Turbine Bearing
b.  Alternator Bearing

White Metal Bearing
c.  Engine Bearing
d.  Pedestal Bearing
e.  Big End Bearing
f.  Thrust Pad Bearing
g.  Crankshaft Bearing
h.  Bush Bearing
i.   Flanged Bearing
j.  Steam Turbine Bearing
k.  White Metal Rotor      Bearing
l.   White Metal Bearing
m. Big End Bearing
n.  Impeller Bearing
o.  Turbine White Metal Bearing
p.  Alternator White Metal Bearing

q.  Pump White Metal Bearing
r.  Crankshaft White Metal Bearing
s.  Spherical Bearings

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Used Cylinder Heads

Wartsila Cylinder Heads
Cylinder Heads

Cylinder heads of Wartsila, Paxman, MAN-B&W, MWM, Sulzer , Mak, Deutz, Mitsubishi, Caterpillar, Daihatsu, Bergen, Himsen, Allen, Stork, Fiat, SKL, Ruston, Crepelle, Mirrlees, Alco, Crepelle, Yanmar,  Pielstick, Hanshin, Nohab etc are available in stock.
The used cylinder heads are procured from the power plants and ship breaking yards and they are transported to our works. Cylinder heads are subject to crack detection test by MPI procedure, valve seat and valve guides are replaced wherever required.

After reconditioning cylinder heads are subject to hydraulic pressure test. We can also supply new cylinder heads.