Tuesday 3 November 2015

Metal Locking and Metal Stitching Process

Repair of Cracked Engine Block
RA Power Solutions undertakes repair of broken engine blocks by metal stitching process. It is generally observed that due to failure of connecting rod the engine block casing is either cracked or broken into pieces. In case of high capacity engine it is difficult to replace the damaged engine block due to exorbitant cost and long duration of supplies.

In case of vessel it is difficult to remove the damaged crankcase from the engine room. In this situation onsite repair of crankcase is recommended by metal stitching and metal locking process. This is cold process, no heat or stresses are developed.

Metal Stitching of Engine Block
It is of great importance that the keys and locks of appropriate metallurgical properties are used. Again the execution of crack repair of engine block by metal stitching needs a well experienced technician to execute. In case of cracked engine block, it is necessary that the damaged area of the crankcase is thoroughly cleaned chemically and red oxide is removed the magnetic particle test or die penetrant test is undertaken in order to check the length and width of the crack. Once the exact location and length of the crack is determined the repair by metal stitching and metal locking are executed. This is a proven method for repair of cracks.

Repair by Metal Locking of Lower Crankcase
RA Power Solutions has more than three decades of experience in successfully executing repair of cracked casting, engine block, cylinder heads, turbine casing, gear boxes, etc. by metal locking and stitching process.

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